Learn how to track your sleep schedule here. If you're interested in sleep data though, understanding and correlating how you feel with how well you progress through the sleep stages can help you make informed decisions about your bedroom environment or schedule. Up-to-Date Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep goes by many names, including active sleep, desynchronized sleep, paradoxical sleep, rhombencephalic sleep, and dream sleep.

You’ll even be assigned a sleep score of 0-100 with accompanying insight into the factors that influenced your score. In fact, I encourage you to do that, especially if large amounts of data about your body doesn't ease your mind. Many Garmin smartwatches feature advanced sleep tracking 1, which offers you a full report of exactly how well you slept with insights into sleep/wake cycles and stages such as light, deep and REM 2. Sure, you could do just as hundreds of generations of humans before us did and fall asleep without any sleep trackers and trust Mother Nature. It's not surprising that with so much near-wakefulness, this stage is when most of your dreaming occurs.įun fact: In REM sleep, your arm and leg muscles are temporarily paralyzed by two chemicals in your brain that prevent you from physically acting out your dreams and punching your partner in the face instead of that alien bad guy. Blood pressure and heart rates also increase to near awake levels in REM sleep. So it’s hardly surprising people are more concerned than ever about getting enough sleep. Your brain waves in REM sleep are closer to wakefulness than deep sleep, and your breathing becomes irregular and speeds up. Twitter LinkedIn An estimated one in three people report regular sleep complaints.