Image of plumb bob
Image of plumb bob

image of plumb bob

This plumbob doesn't reflect their mood, however. In Nightlife, the members of a group in an outing or a date partner will have a small blue plumbob over their heads, much like The Sims: Hot Date. True perma-platinum can be reached by maximizing the lifetime aspiration bar. If the player has FreeTime, however, fulfilling the lifetime want will raise the aspiration bar to platinum, but allows it to decay very slowly. Perma-platinum can be achieved through completing the Sim's Lifetime Want if the player has University through Bon Voyage. If the Sim's mood is somewhere in between, it will be a shade of green-yellow reflecting the approximate level. Otherwise, it is bright green if the Sim's mood is high, and orange or bright red if it is low. In The Sims 2, the plumbob is white if the Sim's aspiration bar is in platinum, which produces a very high mood regardless of the Sim's motives. Plumbob colors in The Sims identifying the mood of the Sim The Starbob makes it easy to identify which Sims are famous. The StarBob only appears when they are inactive and will be replaced by the regular plumbob when control is switched to them. Superstar Sims will have a StarBob appear over their head, taking the form of a solid gold star. The deeper the blue, the better their mood. If the Sim is on a date, the date will have a small blue plumbob (known as a DateBob) which will reflect their mood.

image of plumb bob

A Sim in a bad mood will have a red plumbob, and the red will get brighter and deeper as the Sim's mood gets worse. As the Sim's mood gets lower, the green will become paler until it becomes a sort of neutral color. If the Sim is in a very good mood, the plumbob will be a bright, deep green. In The Sims, the plumbob is a fairly accurate reflection of the Sim's mood.

Image of plumb bob